OLYMPIA — June 16, 2020 — The number of locations that students can receive free meals from has grown, thanks to new locations offering meals through the annual Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).
SFSP provides children with nutritious meals during the summer. Sponsors may operate the program in areas where 50% or more of the children in the area are eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
Summer meal programs help children aged 18 and under get the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow during the summer. This federally-funded program is sponsored by many organizations throughout our state, including schools, nonprofit organizations, local governments, tribes, and more.
SFSP is separate from meal programs operated by the school district during school closures, which may be continuing to providing meals over the summer. Contact your district for more information.
To find a Summer Meals site near you, please use a Summer Meals Locator: Text “food” or “comida” to 877–877, or you can also find summer meal sites online.
For more information, please contact the Child Nutrition Services department within the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction at 360–725–6200.