With just 22 school days remaining until graduation, it's time to start getting those ducks in a row. Graduation clearance is a checklist of all the things that Advisors, Patti, and I need to verify to allow you to graduate!
You advisor will verify that you've met all of your competencies, completed your Capstone project, finished your math, internship, writing portfolio, learning plans, and exhibition. Patti will make sure you don't owe any fines and that you've returned any district technology. I will verify that all of your state graduation requirements are met: your High School & Beyond Plan, NW Studies, Graduation Pathway (this used to be the SBA ELA and Math tests), and the Senior Survey. There's good news here. The district has waived the Software Tech graduation requirement for the Class of 2021, and if you haven't met your Graduation Pathway, the state has a waiver process for that. I will be reaching out individually about any incomplete items, and it's important that you respond right away.
Remember: Graduation is June 10th! It will be here before we know it!